lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Resources for Special Needs students


These are some interesting web pages that are specialised in helping students with special needs.

· Special Needs Worksheets

· Activities for teaching English to Children with special needs

· StarFall: Where children have fun learning to read! : This site is good because it incorporates technology and is interactive for students. Students can click on a calendar and an audio recording will highlight and go over today’s date and the days of the week. The can read interactive books that allow them to use pictures and practice sounding out words/decoding. It asks questions and quizzes them, and also helps prompt students to the answer (i.e. the answer is highlighted or blinking). This site appeals to auditory, visual, and tactile/kinesthetic learners. It also has tutorial movies about different skills like reading left to write, vowels, memory games, making word games, and many other interactive phonics activities that feel more like playing and less like learning.


· Special Needs Worksheets

· Activities for teaching English to Children with special needs
· Special needs education (GenkiEnglish)

· Teaching ideas: Special needs students

· Teaching to students with special needs (pdf)

· Special Needs – Teacher Resources (webpage)

· Adapting the English curriculum for students with disabilities 

· English Language Classroom and Students with Disabilities : here you can find a lot of interesting web pages and resources  so as to help you with students with very different disabilities.

· A World Awaits You online journal on accessing Foreign Languages includes firsthand advice from ESL teachers, students and disability providers on how inclusion works in the classroom.

· University of California at Berkeley Disabled Students' Program: This website has an excellent overview of different disabilities and classroom advice for teachers.

The importance of Group Work

Interesting articles about the importance and effectiveness of Group Work:

· Group Work and Language Learning (Paul Nation, Victoria University of Wellington)

· The effectiveness of Group Work and Pair Work for students of English

39 Activities for English Lesson from yolyordam yolyordam

Interesting web pages where you can find a lot of teaching resources:

APPs for kids and parents

Interesting APPs for practice English 





jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

20 Free ICT Resources for the English Classroom

20 Free ICT Resources for the English Classroom


The Internet is full of free online ICT resources that can be used in English classrooms. These resources are a great way for educators to engage students, increase productivity, and promote learning. Here is a list of 20 free ICT resources to try out with your English class: 

eBeam - eBeam is an interactive whiteboard system developed by Luidia, Inc. that transforms any standard whiteboard or other surface into an interactive whiteboard.

Vyew - Vyew is a free online collaboration and web conferencing tool that can be used to share and connect with students, parents, and colleagues. This site tool allows users to present, collaborate, and review information in a real-time setting.

Mikogo - Mikogo features easy-to-use desktop sharing that is a great for assisting and connecting with students, parents, and colleagues.

Wetpaint - Wetpaint offers a free way to create collaborative educational websites. Wetpaint sites can contain forums, blogs, wikis, and social networks.

Yugma - This free web conferencing tools allows you to share your desktop with up to 20 attendees. Yugma is the perfect place for connecting with students online, conferencing with parents, and holding colleague meetings.

Thinkature - Thinkature is an online virtual workspace that allows users to collaborate through instant messaging. This web app offers educators a meeting room, whiteboard, and collaborative environment for adding Internet content, drawing, chatting, and creating cards.

Stixy - This beta site makes it easy to upload and share notes, photos, documents, and lists. Once files are uploaded, users simply invite others in the group to view and edit files online.

Project2Manage - Project2Manage is a free online project manager that allows you to set reminders, post messages, assign tasks, upload files, and collaborate. This application is a great tool to keep your classroom organized and connected online.

DimDim - DimDim offers a free way for English classrooms to connect online. This easy web conferencing app allows you to share live presentations, web pages, and whiteboards.

WriteWith - This web app features group collaboration on writing projects. Through this site, students and educators can upload documents, share tasks, assign tasks, chat, and track actions.

Moodle - Educators looking to move their English classroom online should check out Moodle. This online course management system provides the tools for creating Internet courses and educational websites.

Yuuguu - Yuuguu allows instant screen sharing for web conferencing, remote support, and real-time collaboration. A free account gives users access to five-participant screen sharing.

Bookgoo - This easy-to-use web app allows users to highlight and annotate documents as they would a piece of paper. To use this web app, simply upload your content, edit, and share the finished files privately with others.

ooVoo - ooVoo makes it easy to connect with students, colleagues, and parents using video calls. With this site, educators can also send one-minute video messages, chat six ways, and send up to 5MB files at a time.

WiZiQ - This application allows educators and students to collaborate through virtual classrooms, online tests, and educational content.

Edmodo - Edmodo is a microblogging site created specifically for K-12 classrooms. With this site, educators can share timelines, assignments, grades, files, notifications, calendars, and more.

Postica - The virtual sticky notes provided by Postica offer an easy way to create and share notes, assignments, and files online. This web app can also be used with Twitter and iGoogle.

Phonevite - Phonevite is a popular, award-winning community broadcasting system that can send messages via the phone or social media. With this system, educators can send task reminders, emergency alerts, cancellations, and messages to students.

Wridea - This free web app provides a way to organize, manage, and store ideas to share. Wridea is a great way for students and teachers to brainstorm in a collaborative group.

SimplyBox - SimplyBox is a free content networking web app that offers tools for capturing and collaborating on content in web pages. Captured information can be organized into neat little boxes. The boxes can then be shared with students and colleagues for visual collaboration.

ReviewBasics - This free web allows users to upload documents, images, and videos that can be viewed by a specific group for commenting, annotating, and marking. This is a perfect way to collaborate on assignments, projects, and notes. 


Interesting web page about:: ICT teaching resources for supporting English language learners 

Interesting web pages for children and parents

Age: for all ages

Video lessons: These video lessons will help you develop your vocabulary and practice listening and pronunciation 

ESLvideo: Learn english with free videos.

 Kideos: videos for kids

 LITTLE ANIMALS Actividades para alumnos de 4 a 11 años

 ANGLES365 Multitud de actividades para todas las edades

MR. TEAPOT'S Vocabulario, listening, ...

HISTORIAS Colección de historias animadas

THE HOUSE Para trabajar el "vocabulario de la casa"

INGLES PRIMARIA(EDUCA.MADRID) Actividades temáticas para 3º, 4º, 5º, 6º

INGLES PARA E. PRIMARIA(CNICE) Aprende Inglés de la mano de un extraterrestre
ENGLISH FOR LITTLE CHILDREN(CNICE) Juega con Alex y sus amigos para aprender inglés
BEMBOSZOO Animaciones de letras para repasar animales
LEARN TO READ Actividades de lectura
LA FAMILIA Escucha y aprende el vocabulario de la familia
PARTES DEL CUERPO Practica las partes del principales partes del cuerpo
ENGLISH Para aprender el vocabulario básico
CREATE-A-READER Actividades y vocabulario básico
ABECEDARIO Video de Barrio Sésamo en Youtube
VERBO TO BE Teoría y práctica del verbo to be
KIDS ENGLISH ZONE (del wiki Crasanisidro) Para trabajar muchos temas de inglés dentro del mismo 
POLITRADUCTOR Traduce textos al inglés o viceversa. También otros idiomas.
INTERACTIVE WORKBOOK Muchas actividades y autoevaluaciones de gramática
FREE PRINTABLES FOR TEACHERS Material imprimible de todo tipo para docentes
MAKE A CALENDAR Repaso de días y fechas en linea. Al final se imprime el calendario actual.
ESL-KIDS Generadores rápidos de fichas y flashcards. En la página principal también ideas prácticas y juegos.
BRITISH COUNCIL Distintas actividades, juegos en linea, historias cortas, canciones,...
EDUSABI(diseñados con Neobook) 5 buenos juegos para descargar e instalar
STUDY ENGLISH WITH ANDREW 4 bloques temáticos con evaluación y repaso. Para 2º C. de Primaria.
CHILDREN STORYBOOKS ON LINE Historias breves ilustradas para ver on line. Algunas con sonidos.
SPORTS (De EducaMadrid) Actividades para trabajar los deportes.
LCF ENGLISH ZONE Canciones, juegos en flash, historias fáciles. Para iniciación y Primaria.
FUNNY ENGLISH Material imprimible de Ingles.
WORD DUCK Para crear sopas de letras y el ahorcado

Sqooltools: Free educational videos for K-8 students.

Totlol: Totlol is a video website designed specifically for children.

Videoseducativos: Inglés

Heip kidz learn

An interactive opera for kids: you can design your own Opera with this online interactive classical music game for kids like you!

Planetaki: Primary english planet

Larry Ferlazzo´s blog: ideas, websites...

Directodio de blogfesores de inglés:Blogs creados por profesores de inglés.

English as a second foreign language. Isabel Perez crafts, recipes, holi8days, family fun, humour, games….

StarFall: Where children have fun learning to read! : This site is good because it incorporates technology and is interactive for students. Students can click on a calendar and an audio recording will highlight and go over today’s date and the days of the week. The can read interactive books that allow them to use pictures and practice sounding out words/decoding. It asks questions and quizzes them, and also helps prompt students to the answer (i.e. the answer is highlighted or blinking). This site appeals to auditory, visual, and tactile/kinesthetic learners. It also has tutorial movies about different skills like reading left to write, vowels, memory games, making word games, and many other interactive phonics activities that feel more like playing and less like learning. a fast, easy and kid-friendly way for kids to search online. Designed to be a fun destination site focused on learning and "edu-tainment," Ask for Kids uses natural-language technology that allows kids to ask questions and perform web searches, such as "When did Hawaii become a state?" or "What's it like to live in space?"or even "Convert 122 inches into feet" in the same way they would ask a parent, friend or teacher. A blog for primary 6 students. blog for primary students's Crafts for Kids features a variety of fun, printable children's crafts, coloring pages and more including projects for holidays, educational themes and some of our children's favorite cartoon characters the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities a site to help you learn English or teach English as a second language. Access to all pages is free. You'll find everything from lessons for students to jobs for teachers, including interactive pages such as forums, games, quizzes, chat, help and penpals. Isabel Perz’s blog. Are you looking for something in particular to color? This search engine will search the web exclusively for print and color pages. Just enter the one or two words that best describe what you would like to color. Kids Online Activities - All our activities here are educational and promote learning in reading, writing, spelling, math, problem solving and art. Schools and parents around the world have used us in their teaching activities to develop literacy and number skills in their children fun facts for kids. LearnEnglish Kids is for children who are learning English. Find games, songs, stories and lots of activities - and learn English too. At, kids discover by doing and create while clicking. Our engaging activities help them gain technological fluency and expand their minds through playful learning; they can design and animate characters, make their own digital cards, invent games, and more. the resource center for kids and teachers Mathematics problems, games, and articles logic games directorio de recursos.

LCF ZONE: En LCF English Zone, hay muchísimas actividades interactivas para trabajar el vocabulario, la pronunciación y la gramática. Canciones, historias breves y juegos son los recursos que aquí tenemos para facilitar de una manera lúdica y atractiva el aprendizaje del Inglés, tampoco falta el material imprimible.
Es un sitio ideal para la iniciación en los primeros niveles y para usuarlo en cualquier curso de primaria.

BBC para introducir a los más pequeños en el uso del ordenador: Numerosos juegos de calidad en inglés, algunos aplicables desde las primeras edades.


Merriam-webster visual dictionary online

Logos Children dictionary

Look Way Up

Interesting web pages for teachers

· Dictionay: WordReference

· Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

· Talking Dictionary of English Pronunciation: HowJsay

· Games & Activities for the ESL/EFL Classroom

· Teaching english games

· Language games

Teacher training and methodology

How to use an Interactive Whiteboard